Corporate Clients

Corporate change manifests in a variety of ways: changes in leadership; mergers; acquisitions; reductions in workforce; rapid growth; rebranding; or restructuring.

LisaMarie’s Corporate Empowered ChangeTM solutions are designed to curtail the loss of productivity that occurs during radical change in the corporate environment, to restore confidence, and to foster positive growth.  LisaMarie’s change and transition training enables your management and employees to remain positive and productive through difficult times. Leadership that effectively manages change and transition cultivates confidence, loyalty, and resilience within your workforce. And a workforce that feels secure, cared for, and empowered is more productive and successful.

LisaMarie offers you and your team three ways to benefit from professional training.

Coaching in Corporate Empowered Change

Retain LisaMarie as an on-demand transition strategist for leaders, teams, and company personnel who are endeavoring to maintain high morale and productivity while addressing unsettling or problematic changes within the corporate environment. This engagement includes one-on-one coaching and group leadership sessions. On-site and virtual coaching options are available.

Seminars in Corporate Empowered Change

LisaMarie delivers motivational and educational, small- and large-group seminars designed to provide your employees with the tools and knowledge to manage the chaos and consequences they experience during significant corporate changes and transitions.  Seminars in Empowered Change are tailored specifically for your company’s objectives and are most effective when presented prior to change events. These seminars are also effective in overcoming the fear and uncertainty that follow sudden change, such as the announcement of a merger or acquisition.

Train the Trainer Workshops

As a William Bridges Certified Trainer in Leading Organizational Transition, LisaMarie facilitates the following workshops:

Managing Organizational Transition Workshop

LisaMarie trains members of your transition team to become facilitators in leading individuals through strategic change and transition.  At the conclusion of this training, your transition team will  support those employees whose roles, careers, and lives are affected by change in the corporate environment.  Having a trained transition team gives you the agility to manage change events before they become crises.

Individual Transition in Organizations Workshop

Individuals are more likely to accept change when they are part of the transition process and when they have a support system to help them cope with the change or loss. LisaMarie teaches individuals how to orient to and successfully manage change-induced transitions, fostering an environment that supports employee growth, job satisfaction, and productivity.